The performance and the offers of a..t..f – architektur technik fassade are oriented on AHO* publications, edition 28 – Fachingenieurleistungen für Fassadentechnik, compiled by the AHO commission “planning of facades” and initiated by UBF** – Unabhängige Berater für Fassadentechnik e.V.
The first publication of this edition was in March 2012. As a result of this publication, the performance of facade consultants has been accepted as a complete and separate specified engineers performance.
The specified engineer performance of a..t..f – architektur technik fassade completes the performance of the architect, which is managed by HOAI***, and it overlaps only in very few parts, which is the specification, with the performance of the architect.
Upon request we furnish you with an offer, oriented to your desires.
In the following we would like to show you an image of our performances and get a little more into their details.
Basic performances according to AHO* publications, edition 28 are indicated with (BP) in the following.
Specified performances according to AHO* are indicated with (SP) in the following.
Performances which are not part of AHO publications, edition 28 ( additional special performances) are indicated with (ASP) in the following.
*AHO Ausschuss der Verbände und Kammern der Ingenieure und Architekten für die Honorarordnung e.V.
Committee of the associations and chambers of engineers and architects for fee structure (registered german association)
** UBF Unabhängige Berater für Fassadentechnik
Independant consultants for technique of facades (registered german association)
***HOAI Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure
Official scale for services of architects and engineers in germany